Saturday, August 13, 2011

Thank God for GPS!

We have learned two things about the British and driving today.  First, they think every road is the track at the Indy 500, THEY GO FAST!  We slow Americans were scared to death driving next to them.  Second, they love roundabouts.  Now don't get me wrong, roundabouts can be fine, but one every other street is a little much.  We bought a GPS at the last minute anticipating a hard time finding our way around and it has saved our lives.  Between the fastness and roundabouts it was CRAZY!!!  We feared for our lives more than once on todays drive.  Although it was stressful driving, today was amazing:)

After eating breakfast in our hotel we drove to Stonehenge.  It took us forever to get there because Tim had the GPS set for rural routes but after almost crashing and all the roundabouts we finally put it on fastest and found the freeway.  Stonehenge was surrounded by beautiful country side full of sheep.  Walking around the amazing structure is breath taking.  How it was built is just a mystery as the stones are so huge.  We loved it there and took pictures from every angle.

Next we drove to Lacock Abbey.  This abby had areas falling apart and other restored to look like how it was when it was lived in.  The falling apart areas were sort of scary and I was just waiting for a ghost to pop out although Tim found it peaceful.  Part of Harry Potter was filmed there although they really didn't mark which areas were used.  The grounds and gardens were beautiful and it was a very nice place to spend part of the afternoon.

We drove to the city of Bath next which just about caused a nervous breakdown.  I think half the population of the world is here today with streets barely big enough to allow one car let alone two.  Once here we dropped our luggage off at our next amazingly beautiful room that overlooks a park and started off walking.  Our first stop was the Roman Baths.  These baths have an original hot spring and have been partially saved.  You can walk around and see pictures of how they looked back when the Romans were there and how they look now.  The older parts of the baths that were kind of dark and smelly made me feel uneasy and of course because I was kind of nervous a bird flew in (and if you know me, I hate birds) and I just about passed out.  Thankfully Tim was right there because the birds over here are not afraid of humans so he became my shield!

We then went to the Abby in Bath and were mesmerized by the beauty,  HUGE stained glass windows with a beautiful organ were on display.  We were noticing all these beautiful inscribed stones that once you take the time to read you find out are in memory of the ashes of people buried somewhere within the Abby.  There is also a tomb of someone famous over here but which I don't remember the name.

We looked at the Pulteny Bridge which is a stepped bridge and pretty cool to see.  There were little shops and alleys everywhere which were so fun to walk through.  We saw a lot of American stores as well as some really nice cafe's.

We ate dinner at a fun Pizza Express that had the best pasta dishes as well as a wonderful banana pie that we shared.  The coffee over here is so smooth and tasty that we could drink forever.

Now we are in our room as everything but the pubs seem to be open.  Tomorrow we are hoping to get up early and drive back into London where we will spend the next four nights.

We hope everyone back home is having a wonderful weekend and write to you tomorrow from London!

1 comment:

  1. Very cool, Linnea and Tim! I love all the details - keep em coming!
