Thursday, August 18, 2011


Hello from Paris everyone!  Today started with me being sick.  I mean like vertigo happening, couldn't walk straight.  I knew that I should have questioned my pharmacist when he switched me to generic medication before leaving.  I know, generic is the same as name brand but my body always reacts to it.  So I drugged myself up, closed my eyes through the taxi drive and made it to the eruostar station.  Once on the eurostar which is a two hour drive from London to Paris we went under the  English Channel and through some beautiful countryside, or that's what Tim said.  I slept.  We expected the English Channel part to be really long but Tim said it was really only like 20-30 minutes.  Before I knew it he was waking me up in Paris.

Let me just say Paris is not a happy welcome.  When I woke up I felt perfect which was good but then we got off the train and saw guards in army fatigues with machine guns.  Yes, machine guns.  SCARY!!  We don't usually see that in good old MN.  We managed to find our way to a taxi where we were whisked off to our hotel.  As we left our hotel this morning we were hoping for a bigger one in Paris.  Silly us, our hotel room has just enough space for a bed.  Yup, my side of the bed is next to the bathroom and Tim will have to walk over me to get in there.  The bathtub would maybe fit my cat Ned and has no chance of fitting me.  We had to laugh at this.  The elevator also fits one person and a skinny one at that so up three flights of steps we walk.

We headed off to the Eiffel Tower and enjoyed a few minutes taking pictures but then decided we might try going up in it.  We then saw the line and thought we would rather jump in the river than wait in that long line so we settled at a cafe with a beautiful view.  Things have been going just a little too easily so when we went to pay our card was declined.  I sat at the table while Tim went to a ATM to get money and was denied there as well.  Of course no one uses Discover here so while I stressed with a nice waiter patting my shoulder and telling me it didn't matter it would work out.  Tim finally got ahold of the bank and they unlocked our card and we could finally pay.  We then headed back to our hotel to rest.

Tomorrow we go to Disneyland and then the next day home!  I have to say that I am ready.  We are on day 7 here and I am exhausted.  This is the type of trip that I don't think we will fully appreciate until we are home and have time to reflect.  Hope everything is going well with all of you.   Write to you tomorrow!

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